White Grapefruit Concentrate

We use Spain-grown mature white grapefruits to elaborate our white grapefruit concentrate. The juice undergoes processing to remove the natural water of the fruit to get the concentrated product. Grapefruit juice in concentrated form can be used in industrial beverage and food applications. It is also used in ice creams and dairy products. Our white grapefruit concentrated juice is packed aseptically to preserve its freshness and flavour. We transport it in metallic drums with plastic lids to ensure that it reaches clients in the best condition. The juice concentrate is available at 57.0-59.0 Brix and an acidity of 5.5-6.5. We keep the concentrate at the required frozen temperatures of -18°.


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LemonConcentrate https://lemonconcentrate.com/wp-content/themes/lemon/img/logo-lemon-concentrate.png
LemonConcentrate https://lemonconcentrate.com/wp-content/themes/lemon/img/logo-lemon-concentrate.png
Lemon Concentrate

White Grapefruit

We use Spain-grown mature white grapefruits to elaborate our white grapefruit concentrate. The juice undergoes processing to remove the natural water of the fruit to get the concentrated product. Grapefruit juice in concentrated form can be used in industrial beverage and food applications. It is also used in ice creams and dairy products. Our white grapefruit concentrated juice is packed aseptically to preserve its freshness and flavour. We transport it in metallic drums with plastic lids to ensure that it reaches clients in the best condition. The juice concentrate is available at 57.0-59.0 Brix and an acidity of 5.5-6.5. We keep the concentrate at the required frozen temperatures of -18°.


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Benefits of White Grapefruit Concentrate

White grapefruits have thin, pale skins, hence the name and they are sweeter compared to the red or pink variety. The health benefits offered, however, are quite similar with experts recommending them for weight loss diets. Grapefruit facilitates faster fat metabolism, which makes it easier to slash extra weight. It is preferred when looking for a high nutrient and low-calorie intake. Being a citrus fruit, white grapefruit replenishes vitamin C in the body, which is essential for tissue regeneration, iron absorption, and prevention of heart disease. It also provides a stronger immune system. The fruit is effective in lowering cholesterol, which contributes to improved cardiovascular health. It reduces triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, which are known to speed up clogging of the arteries.

White Grapefruit Concentrate Manufacturer and Supplier

We choose state-of-the-art production facilities to process white grapefruit concentrate to guarantee superior quality. By working closely with customers, we ensure that the concentrate meets the desired standard for your products. We tailor logistic solutions to the specific needs of a client so that you can receive your order in time. Our packing capacities range from a minimum of 3/25 Kg to 25,000 Kg max. If your manufacturing or processing plant has any special requirements for the packing or transport of the white grapefruit concentrate, contact us in advance.

  • 3/25 Kg
  • 240 Kg
  • 1.000 Kg
  • 25.000 Kg
  • BRIX
White Grapefruit
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