Lemon Juice Concentrate
Cloudy 400 GLP
Lemon Juice Concentrate Cloudy 400 GLP is loaded with vitamins B6, C, A, and E. It´s got a high mineral content too: there´s niacin (vitamin B3) which lowers cholesterol and improves brain function. There´s plenty of copper too, which kick starts the production of collagen among other benefits. Folate is a potent anti-oxidant and helps prevent birth defects. Unprocessed and unpasteurized (cloudy) lemon njuice concentrate also has plenty of thiamin, calcium, iron, and more.
With so many nutrients, Lemon Juice Concentrate Cloudy 400 GLP helps fight against cancer, lowers blood pressure, prevents diabetes, and improves the skin, hair, and teeth.
This particular lemon concentrate is superior to others on the market given our specialy selected raw materials and special production process. What´s more, we have storage and shipping methods that ensure that your lemon concentrate arrives to your lips with the maximum amount of nutritional value retained.
We use only the best varieties of Spanish grown whole lemons that then undergoe washing and grading to remove any impurities and extraneous waste matter. These lemons are then manufactured and packed in order to retain all of the nutritional value. Furthermore, the entire process is temperature controlled to ensure the very specific enzymatic cloud consistency that has a plethora of healthy properties. The result is a reconsitituted lemon juice that in addition to being an incredibly nutritious supèrfood, also tastes great with a unique, full flavor. Perfect for straight consumption or for cooking.
We ship Lemon Fruit Concentrate Cloudy 400 GLP in sealed packaging that is frozen to below 18 degrees for maximum consistency. We can ship in quantities of 75 kg (three 25 kg units), 240 kg, 1,000 KG, and even large orders of 25,000kg for industrial scale health food and/or juice production.
-18º - ASEPTIC
- 3/25 Kg
- 240 Kg
- 1.000 Kg
- 25.000 Kg
32.0-34.0 - BRIX
Cloudy 400 GLP