Kaki Fruit Concentrate

The kaki fruit has its origin in China and Japan, where it has been cultivated since the eighth century. It was later introduced in Western countries; first in the United States, in the early nineteenth century, and afterwards in France, Spain and Italy, around 1870.

Kaki fruit concentrate, mades from kaki fruit also known as Persimmon, contains many antioxidants, which makes it one of the healthiest fruits.

It can be used to elaborate many kinds of products in the food sector, or otherwise be reconstituted in water to reach the 7.0 Brix of ready to drink beverages.


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LemonConcentrate https://lemonconcentrate.com/wp-content/themes/lemon/img/logo-lemon-concentrate.png
LemonConcentrate https://lemonconcentrate.com/wp-content/themes/lemon/img/logo-lemon-concentrate.png
Lemon Concentrate

Kaki Fruit

The kaki fruit has its origin in China and Japan, where it has been cultivated since the eighth century. It was later introduced in Western countries; first in the United States, in the early nineteenth century, and afterwards in France, Spain and Italy, around 1870.

Kaki fruit concentrate, mades from kaki fruit also known as Persimmon, contains many antioxidants, which makes it one of the healthiest fruits.

It can be used to elaborate many kinds of products in the food sector, or otherwise be reconstituted in water to reach the 7.0 Brix of ready to drink beverages.


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Properties and Benefits of Kaki Fruit Concentrate

The kaki fruit’s composition is different depending on the variety, but they all have in common their high water content. The Kaki’s caloric value is quite high compared to other fruits, and it contains some fiber. Regarding the content of vitamins and minerals, provitamin A or beta-carotene should be highlighted, as it gives the fruit its characteristic color; but it also contains vitamin C and potassium. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in our body as it is needed. Vitamin A is essential for vision, good skin, hair, mucous membranes, bones and a proper functioning of the immune system.

Vitamin C is involved in the formation of collagen, bones and teeth, red blood cells, and it favours the absorption of iron from food and the resistance to infections. Both vitamins also play an antioxidant role.

Potassium is necessary for the generation and transmission of nerve impulses, for normal muscular activity, and it is involved in water balance inside and outside the cell. To a lesser extent, the kaki fruit concentrate contains certain group B vitamins (B1, B2, and B3) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron and sodium).

Because of its Provitamin A contribution, kaki fruit consumption is recommended to everyone, and especially to those with a higher risk of vitamin deficiencies. Vitamins A and C, as antioxidants, contribute to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, degenerative diseases and cancer. In addition, because of its potassium and low-sodium intake, this type of fruit is highly recommended for people who suffer from hypertension or cardiovascular disease.

Kaki Fruit Concentrate – Experienced Supplier

All raw fruit materials are processed in modern production facilities. We offer flexible logistics solutions to give the best service to our clients, adapting to their needs, and always making sure we reach their expectations, both in product quality and service.

  • 3/25 Kg
  • 230 Kg
  • 1.000 Kg
  • 25.000 Kg
    0.5 - 0.7
  • BRIX
Kaki Fruit
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