Cucumber, Corn & Apple
The Cucumber, Corn & Apple Compound is processed entirely from fresh, high quality ingredients in our modern production unit. Supplied world-wide, it is packaged in our reliable, versatile bags in boxes system. The bags are manufactured for maximum strength and are available in two, three, five, ten and twenty-five litre sizes with a choice of taps and screw caps.
Cucumber, Corn & Apple Properties and Benefits
Our Cucumber, Corn & Apple Compound contains a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals. Cucumber has high quantities of vitamin K which promotes blood coagulation and the binding of calcium to bones which helps to combat osteoporosis. Corn is a good source of B vitamins including thiamin, niacin and pantothenic acid (B5) which are all vital for a healthy nervous system. It also contains minerals such as tryptophan, lysine and magnesium which all help to stabilise the nervous system. Apples are an important source of dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A is beneficial to eyesight, skin, nails and hair. Vitamin C is vital for a healthy immune system and helps to fight coughs and colds. Vitamin E, known for its anti-ageing properties, promotes cell replenishment. Apples also contain a wide range of minerals including potassium which assists in cell function, calcium for bones, iron for healthy blood and zinc which benefits the skin.
Cucumber, Corn & Apple Compound -Manufacturer And Supplier has more than fifty years experience in supplying high quality processed foods for the manufacture of other products in the food and drink industry. We have an established world-wide delivery service for our extensive range of concentrates and compounds.
-18º - ASEPTIC
- 3/25 Kg
- 230 Kg
- 1.000 Kg
- 25.000 Kg
0.2-0.6 - BRIX