Coconut Milk is known as an alternative to Cow’s Milk, it comes from the insides of mature, juicy brown coconuts. The substance is thick and consists of a rich, creamy texture. The milk is popular in Asian countries and is commonly used in dinners and cuisines. There is sometimes confusion among people between coconut water and milk, it should be noted that they are of fairly different tastes and origins. Coconut Water is found in immature coconuts of the greenish colour. The Milk uses an artificial process to create its final form, the core is combined with water to make it a drinkable substance and coconut milk overall, the split is 50% water. In comparison to coconut water which is made up of 95% water, this means the Milk contains more fats but also more nutrients than Coconut Water.
Properties and Benefits of Coconut Milk
The Coconut Milk contains numerous vitamins such as the c, e and b kind that boost health. Magnesium, phosphorous, iron and potassium are also highly prevalent contents within the substance. These contents all strengthen the heart, kidneys, muscles, brains, bones, red blood cells and oxygen of the body. It’s best you combine your intake with cereal or baked goods to best receive the benefits associated with the Milk.
Antioxidants are another prominent feature of this substance, these are known to prevent free radical damage which in turn reduce the chance of diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia and heart disease. Antioxidants can also reduce the ageing process and heal prior damage made to the body. Take the Milk with other foods that are high in antioxidants for the best possible effect.
Lauric acid, a fatty acid which fights germs, fungi and other viral diseases is a common property of the milk. It’s known to destroy viruses and bacteria in an effective fashion thus cleaning the body completely. Lauric acid is a rare content in foods, so drink the Coconut milk alone if need be.
- 3/25 Kg
- 200 Kg
6.0-6.6 - BRIX